year 2012
CZ Card Money Making Energy it' an energy system which is a magnet energy that of the 'attraction of money. One of the most important and basic functions of this magnetic field and to increase self-confidence, because self-esteem is the key to any success. If you have less confidence in you is due the weak magnetic field low self-esteem will give negative effect in relation to other if the magnetic field is weaker in you, your rays of attraction decreases. Bring more light and interconnection with the Source It raises your vibration and your energy field expands. If you work with this incredible energy of abundance and manifestation 'easy to quickly reach the goals removed obstacles including self-sabotage and interference by third parties likely to hurt you intentionally reach quick success the work will not have to see your place occupied by people less deserving, increases the gains from own business helps to attract customers, increase sales, you can acquire material wealth without limits. Brings inspiration for new profitable business. In times of need helps you win the lottery or to get money from unexpected sources. Helps young people to enter the world of work and to whom he lost to find one better than the last.
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