Regular price €100 year 2025
Our mind can influence the intestine and its activity.
Stress constipation can also be interpreted as the expression of a difficulty in letting go of situations that are emotionally difficult to deal with, the brain accumulates tension and the intestine accumulates waste that has not been eliminated.
The powerful healing energies channeled in the CZ Card can be of help to those who find themselves in a state of blockage that prevents them from getting involved to live your life to the full , they can help overcome the inability to get rid of the old to make room for the new and more.
They are open energies that evolve and resonate with the intentions of the people , after you have received the attunement, through focus on the image of the CZ Card you can ask that the powers flow into your etheric body with their powerful vibrational frequency and you can feel guided you to find much uses of these energies in a targeted way for your specific needs for you and your customers.
These energy systems are offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine, are in the form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.
It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis
You receive the CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download , Chi Ball Attunement and the information needed to receive and transmit this attunement , how to use the energies channeled in the CZ Card for yourself or for other people.
An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready