€19,99 Year 2017
Great Protection and also very useful for Magic work.
The sword apparently cold metal object and instead has many symbolic meanings, it is an archetype of strength and justice that is found in all cultures.
It primarily has meanings of defense and offense from which those of dualism between good and evil, according to the use it was made.
The sword was a hallmark of the Knight and Samurai. His duality contains masculine and feminine.
The sword is the symbol par excellence of status and virtues related to courage, nobility of expression, virile strength, and moral height. The sword as a symbol of the divine will protects the righteous and punishes the unjust.
The sword is also associated with natural elements of strength, such as lightning, fire or the sun strike and electrocuted as the light reflected on the steel of his blade.
The blade, in its gloss is like a double mirror where the can see reflected virtues and vices, Even the work of the sword is somewhat similar to that of Light, which contrasts the darkness and the darkness of ignorance.
The flaming sword symbol is also many used by the Master during the ritual of passing grade and initiation.....
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