year 2018
After received your Attunement these High vibrational energies flowing automatically to the frequency more suitable for you, the energy will flow with your intention.
Personal Application or for others any time, any place you need these energies. As a hermit of mountain!
A hermit who has spiritual powers of magic rendering himself invisible, a occultist, alchemist, a Master of fortune telling and magic etc..
If you feel attracted to this system working with these energies will help you at realized your dreams!
Brings you longevity, wisdom, spiritual and occult magical powers, power of invisibility, help in magical practices, in healing sessions, protection, fortune telling powers, luck and more.
These energies are also wonderful for aid elderly persons, for to bring them a long life and a good, natural death and more. Use it by your intuition and intention.
The practice is very important to develop the energies and also is good the meditation into these energies, through meditation you can find much uses of these energies and feel guided.
You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement.
An emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.