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Get and Keep Full Balance - by Scion

Get and Keep Full Balance - by Scion

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 €14,99  year 2018

They are wonderful energies for people who work too hard or find it hard to relax in today's hasty society.

They teach us the value of replacing dependences with good sleep and relaxation, they are useful to help us sleep well and meditate deeper, These energies are the embodiment of positive laziness, of taking a day off to literally do nothing, and appreciating the value of doing just that.

But these energies can also represent the other extreme of relaxation and come into our lives to warn against lazy behavior.

If we never get up from the couch or never educate our brains, or refuse to learn new patterns of being, experience a slowing down, going backwards and our spirit, emotional state, physical body etc. they all become prey of the delay.

In this case if you works with these energies that encourage balance warn that it may be time to go out, "get up off the couch" spiritually, mentally or emotionally.

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