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Jewel of Awak­ened and Enlightenment - by Scion

Jewel of Awak­ened and Enlightenment - by Scion

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 €19,99  year 2018

This is a Great Divine Bless­ing. Now is time to the balance the ener­gies and raise our aware­ness, awak­en us, the releases the nega­tive emotions and to open your heart to the energy of enlight­en­ment.

Working with these energies are an great gifts, a most precious jewel, is the power of infi­nite love and infi­nite compas­sion, love that is pure and uncon­di­tional, compas­sion whose foun­da­tion is wisdom.

Compas­sion with­out wisdom is simply kind­ness.are the vehi­cle of Kuan Yin’s teach­ings, for Kuan Yin, all crea­tures, even those we perceive as the most nega­tive, have Buddha nature within.

Always remem­ber who you are and be open to the magic that it reminds us of who we really are, these energies has magi­cal power ,the magi­cal power is not super­sti­tious, it is the magi­cal power to see through illu­sion.

Once our conscious­ness is aroused, so too is our own magi­cal poten­tial. we can mani­fest what we need into our lives, health, wealth, happi­ness etc.

All comes from empti­ness. Empti­ness is the essence of every­thing we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

Empti­ness is form and form is empti­ness.

This is the high­est wisdom, when you really know this, there are no longer walls or obsta­cles, this is free­dom and is enlight­en­ment.

Most of us have a purpose only, are always search­ing, always want­ing some­thing, we don’t like the term empti­ness we prefer abun­dance but this is illu­sion.

There should be no want­ing, between each inhale and each exhale is empti­ness and in that moment a drop of the nectar of being can enter our conscious­ness reveal­ing that empti­ness is abun­dance.

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