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Mysticism and Magic Mastery - by Scion

Mysticism and Magic Mastery - by Scion

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 €19,99  year 2018

Working with these energies reminds you that spirit is eternal and lasts beyond the physical and teaches you the fundamental of mysticism.

They have with the ability to remove the veil and allow to explore multidimensional planes of existence co-existing with the physical plane, when the veil is removed will open a door leading to deeper intuitive spiritual knowledge, awareness and communication.

These energies are a potent catalyst and aid in shamanic journeying and past-life recall, makes recollection of past incarnations much more vivid and facilitates reading the Akashic Record They connects you to a realm of mysticism and magic, can help one become more aware of the subtle movement of energy, are a powerful ally for shamanic work, magical practices, spiritual development and healing.

They can aid in the learning of all types of magical and mystical abilities and can open psychic channels to attract teachers from other planes to assist in during the dream state or while in meditation.

When these abilities are much being developed also can assist in contacting souls of the deceased and various souls who may have messages for people on the physical plane.

Intuitively aid and facilitates spiritual progression through one learning the fundamentals of astrology, tarot, scrying, numerology and other occult sciences.

Connects you to all the elemental forces, aids communication with archetypal energies of nature, plant devas, animal spirits, elemental allies etc.

Allows one to see there are truly no mistakes in life and encourages self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-love and more.

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