€19,99 year 2018
These great mystical energies are a symbol of clarity, peace, inner focus and rebirth, heady love, sensuality, fertility and long life..
They contain and brings you high vibrations of honesty, calm, truth and balance, a sense of love, beauty, clarity, vitality, memory, renewal, creativity, Inspiration, awareness and forgiveness.
Work with these energies for to enhance your live in vibrant way and blossoming again here and now! In agreement with the concept of life continuing even after we endure‘ death’ during the" winters "of your life.
These energies also are used for healing misalignments and control the extreme obsessions with.themselves, more to the point, these mystical energies are also useful for healing and removed traumas, blocks and anger, fear, for forgive your self and more.
Working with and meditation on these mystical energies can produce" blossoming results" and remind you us to always be present in the moment ".
here and now".
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